Even the most dependable stove needs a pot or pan to do more than just look cool. Like all of our versatile sets, the Terra HE Cook Set is made of rugged anodized aluminum to keep up with the durability of our reliable stoves. This set with three cookware pieces is the daddy of them at 720 g. It comes with our special heat exchanger (that’s what the “HE” means!) that cuts “time to boil” by 20%. You get a smile on your face thanks to quicker “cook to feed” time and thanks to the HE system’s fuel-saving efficiency. You can stir, sauté, simmer, fricassee or fry with the anodized aluminum pot, thicker non-stick pot, and tough-as-nails non-stick fry pan (doubles as a pot lid). One separate pot lifter fits them all. A slim neoprene cosy (doubles as a cool hat!) keeps fingers ouch-free, food warm, and scratches at bay, while also putting a dent in fuel use. The cook set also magically finds space inside for our titanium cutlery set and any Optimus stove.